saya juga mau kasih awards dooong. BUT, ada rulesnya :
1. put the logo.
2. put the link of the blog who has given you this award.
3. give this award to those 10 people who are friendly and inspiring , put their blog's link also.
4. tell them yo've given thia award by leave a message on their blog
(btw, ini rules nya copy-paste dari si Mateddy Bellamy *whooops*


Yang terakhiiir :D

aaaaaaaaaaand my baaaaaaaad haaaaaabbit :
1. Maleees :P
2. di depan komputer ber jam2
3. di depan tv ber jam2
daaaaaan Tag nya very very special for geebells.
dan :
-AA !
-semuaaa orang yang udah ngeliat blog saya :D
terima kasiiih :)
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